There are many resources
online and in educational journals such as the Phi Delta Kappan, where they
shared websites
that provide information about assistive technology and are recommended for
educators, students with disabilities and their families. (Patrone &
Pettapiece, 2007) These sites and
articles are very helpful when looking for and learning about assistive
technology and how we could use them in our classrooms, but I wanted to focus
on what services or assistance is available here on Guam, to help us understand
our student’s needs and information that we would need in order to assist them
and their families, so they can get the best from their education with the help
of AT devices and so that we can help them become independent and give them the
opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
One agency that is available here on Guam is the Guam System for Assistive Technology
known as GSAT. Their website states that
they provide services that can help identify AT that can help teach you and
your students about different AT devices that are available, they also have a
Lending Library where they allow your student to try different AT devices to
help decide which AT device is right for your student, GSAT can also assist
your student get the device that he or she may need, they also provide
information and referral services, training and technical assistance to public
and private agencies, such as the Department of Education. The
Lending Library can be a very helpful resource because as Lee Cruz shared on a
Special Segment on KUAM, that there is “software and technology for each
individualized need for each person.” So through the Lending Library they can
find which AT device works for them and their needs before they make a decision
about acquiring a specific AT device.
Another agency is the University of Guam
Center for Excellence in Developmental Disability Education Research andService (CEEDRS), another excellent resource available to Guam residents and
students. The CEDDERS mission statement
says “Guam CEDDERS creates pathways that enhance, improve and support the quality
of life of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.” This would include assistive technology that
is needed for the individual with a disability in the school setting.
The Department of Integrated Services for Individualswith Disabilities (DISID), Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, the Departmentof Education, Division of Special Education are other agencies that are here to
help you and your students get the assistive technology that they will need to enhance
their lives and education. Each agency has a link to their official website for contact information and additinal details.
When I visited GSAT’s website I came across a video that
was similar to the “How
Assistive Technology Enables Dreams” video, this video is entitled “Assistive
Technology and Educational Success.” This video really showed how AT is being
used every day on Guam in the school setting.
I learned that it is very important to consider the classroom
environment when you have students who utilize AT. We want
to make sure that there is adequate space and proper placement for
the student to accommodate the use of their AT devices, such as
aisles between furniture should provide enough space for students who use AT
for mobility and the height of tables, desks,
and bookshelves should be accessible to students who use
All these resources show us how as teachers we can
include students who use AT in the lesson plans that we prepare. AT can help our students with disabilities be
successful in the educational environment and reach their individual goals and
that they are capable of making their dreams come true.
Patrone, G., & Pettapiece, R. (2007). Technology for Individuals with Special
Needs. Phi Delta
Kappan, 88(7), C3.
Guam System for Assistive Technology. Retrieved on October 10, 2012 from
Guamcedders (2012, January 5). KUAM
GSAT AT Users Share Stories. Retrieved October 10,
University of Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental
Disability Education Research and
Service. Retrieved on October 10, 2012 from
Department of Integrated Services for
Individuals with Disabilities. Retrieved
on October 10,
Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention. Retrieved on October 10, 2012 from
Department of Education, Division of Special
Education. Retrieved on October 10, 2012
Guamcedders (2010,
September 23). GSAT: Assistive Technology and Educational
Success. Retrieved
October 10, 2012, from